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British pound to Bulgarian lev exchange rates

All you need to know about the rates between the British pound and the Bulgarian lev.


[fromExchangeAmount] British Pound = [toExchangeAmount] [toCurrencyName]

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Exchange rates last updated Monday, 16 September 2024 08:16:11 BST.

Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: Last month

Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: 3 months

Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: 6 months

Historical Rates for conversion of [FromCurrencyIso] to [ToCurrencyIso]: 12 months

[ToCurrencyIso] per [FromCurrencyIso] Better Rates to buy [ToCurrencyIso]
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The latest on GBP to BGN exchange rates

One British pound currently exchanges at a rate of BGN.
To see the latest exchange rate and compare historic rates year on year, head over to our exchange rates page.
The latest on GBP to BGN exchange rates

Convert British Pound to Bulgarian lev

From a quid to a couple grand, check out our Bulgarian lev currency conversion table to see a quick snapshot of how much you will be taking on your trip.

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